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4-1-10 Public Works Subcmte
Richard D. Woycik, Chair
James S. Belden
Daniel Amaral
Chris LaRocque


                            Legislative Council Public Works Sub Committee
Minutes for Meeting of April 1, 2010

Attendees: Richard D. Woycik, Daniel Amaral, Chris LaRocque, James Belden

Call to Order: Richard Woycik, Chair, opened the meeting at 5:15 PM.

Public Participation: No members of the public were in attendance.

Minutes: The meeting began with unanimous approval of Minutes Dated March 22, 2010 following a motion by LaRocque and second by Amaral.

New Business: Mr. Woycik stated our purpose was to discuss Town of Newtown Department Budgets under the committee’s assignment after consideration of answers to questions arising from the meeting of March 22, specifically regarding Highway, Land Use and Parks & Recreation line items.

Discussion began with confirmation by Mr. Woycik that there was one (1) staff position being cut from the Building Department within the Land Use Department Budget. The total is just over $50,000 in staff cost reduction which LaRocque voiced support of. Belden commented that this seems appropriate in relation to the economy and new building activity and overall department size, but emphasized that the department was also seeing as much or more workload in areas such as renovations, violations and planning. Also noted is the reduction in the contractual services line item, achieved by performing tasks, such as updating the Plan of Conservation and Development, completely in-house this year.

The group discussed the Highway Department items that were still in question particularly relating to Overtime and Winter Maintenance items. Mr. Woycik suggested that the $45,000 Overtime item could be reserved in a contingency fund as condition of Budget approval. The group discussed the merits of doing so realizing that there may be times of need when overtime was critical public safety, but by holding for approval in contingency funds there would be greater control over costs.

Winter maintenance line items were scrutinized again searching for means to cut costs. It was noted that the requested Budget for Overtime had been raised by $30,000 from the previous year and the members agreed that at a minimum it should suggest that this amount also be held in a contingency fund. Therefore the total overtime contingency items to be suggested would be $75,000 for the Highway Department Budget.

The members reviewed the Public Building Maintenance requested Budget and discussed the details of overtime and contractual services. The group agreed that there was little opportunity to save within this department, however ongoing attention should be paid to managing the efficiency of services and contractual services at several town sites.

Woycik stated that Ms. Mangold of Parks & Recreation had answered the committee’s questions regarding project expenses, planning and funds. Amaral brought up the need for attention to labor and capital expenditures. The group discussed the Park Maintainer Overtime line item of approximately $53,000. It was expressed that this is largely due to the opening and closing of facilities for public use. Also discussed was the Capital line item for $254,000 which referred to an attachment that was not included in the Budget book. Amaral and Woycik believed that items such as a new mower were reflected in this, but Woycik offered to ask Ms. Mangold about these two line items prior to the Council meeting of April 7th. The group agreed that the items were likely central to Parks operations but clarification would be needed prior to approval.

A motion was requested by Chair Woycik to recommend approval of the Budget for the Committee’s assigned departments, with the above contingency suggestions and agreement that further changes could be discussed in front of the Council if new issues arise pertaining to questions of Parks & Recreation.

Belden moved to Approve the Budget items considered with the exception of moving $45,000 from Highway Overtime to Selectman’s contingency, in addition to $30,000 from Winter Maintenance Overtime to Selectman’s contingency. The motion was seconded by LaRocque.

The motion passed unanimously, 4 ayes, 0 nayes.

The meeting adjourned at 6:15 PM. No further meetings were scheduled at this time.